My Holy Trio for Life Balance

This morning on Facebook, a page I follow asked the question, “What are some of your greatest qualities?”. I answered with just one word – “Balance”. I know, it’s only one word so doesn’t fit the question asking for the plural. It’s more like a headline.

Life Balance helps to keep my world in a manageable place and allows the extra qualities to shine through. I see it as the very top of my Tree of Life.

And there three main factors (in my opinion) that allow my Life Balance to flourish. These are Sleep, Nutrition and Physical Activity.

Many of us take all of these, or one or two of these for granted. We know that without that factor, our life is much harder to deal with than if we had it included on a regular basis.

Others, like many I see in my dietetic practice, just don’t seem to grasp this concept. If these three, my holy trio, become routine in everyday life then life itself it so much easier to deal with.

Of course there are challenges that make this difficult for some to manage. Many of these can be overcome with the help of health professionals and counsellors. As a dietitian of course, I help people develop better routines in the food they choose to eat, to suit their medical conditions in many instances. And there is support for the other two aspects if you feel you need it.

You may feel that this is totally over-simplified, and that’s where its beauty lies. It is about life balance. Life is not a game of perfect in so many, many ways. But if you have routine in these aspects of your life it can allow any imperfections greater chance of improvement, and so much more. It’s about what you do MOST of the time that really counts.

I see this as the foundation of a happy, healthy life which allows for ‘break-outs’ and faster recoveries from them and greater enjoyment of them when they happen.

As mentioned, there is lots of support available if you feel you need it. Please check with your own healthcare provider if you feel your life is out of balance. Just to mention too that I’m the dietitian on a fabulous app for women to help them live with the emotional side of their hormonal changes. The Moon & You app ’s tagline is “When I am aware, I am in control” which relates well to my story of Life Balance. It’s a fabulous resource and I’m so proud to be associated with it.

Sally is the owner of her private practice, Marchini Nutrition , has had type 1 diabetes for close to 40 years and coeliac disease for many years too. She is also Social Media Dietitian with Diabetes Counselling Online , runs a closed group called Be Well Gluten Free, and is the dietitian on The Moon and You App .


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